Friday, March 30, 2007

So...which is it?

Am I a Realtor who knits, or am I a knitter in the real estate business? Umm...both!

Those are not my only pursuits, just a couple of my more public ones. Knitting a public pursuit? For sure, now it is. I belong to a few local knitting groups and we get together now and then, usually in certain coffee shops, and Knit In Public. 'n if you think knitting is only for grannies, dude you are behind the times. (I crochet too, as of October 2004.)

I've used the name "the Knitting Realtor" in a few places on the Internet, but I'm changing that, because technically we Realtors (members of the National Association of Realtors) should not use the trademarked term with such modifiers, really. So henceforth, I am the KnittingAgent. Not quite as precise, but it'll have to do.

As my first official act, I have planned...a couple of knitting projects. Stay tuned!